Struggle Motivational Quotes in Hindi- The form of motivation can be in biological emotional social form, which activates our karma. In daily life, we use the word Motivation to achieve a particular goal. The reality of this life is that Motivation can be in different forms which guide and guide us.

          Motivation is a process that motivates us to achieve our goals, which can affect us in the form of studying late at night, losing 10 kg or earning money. Anyone who has a goal and gets motivation, probably immediately realizes that I am just a short distance away from achieving my goal. To achieve the goal, despite fighting with difficulties, there is a need to work with patience. To be filled with these inspirational thoughts, we have brought you Struggle Quotes in Hindi.

Struggle Motivational Quotes in Hindi | Struggle Motivational Quotes
You can tell people the need to struggle, but when the weak start to see that they can make a difference in reality, nothing can extinguish their fire.

Water is the floor, then the paths must be there.
To gain something, you have to lose something in life.
Who gets success here without struggle
Then you will have to carry the burden of life.

real life struggle quotes in hindi

Make hard work your habit
Then surely success will kiss your feet.

Whether the person who struggles learns or does not learn,
But he learns to smile even when he is sad.

Make your life so great that listening to your biography inspires other people to do great things.

Struggle is the food that brings change
And it's time to get the most out of the struggle
When it's right in front of you."

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Struggle only teaches us the art of living.

Umbrella can't stop the rain but it definitely gives the courage to stand in the rain, in the same way confidence does not guarantee success but the motivation to fight for success definitely gives.

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not come yet.
We only have today. Let's get started.

The more you have struggled to heal and love yourself, the more inspiring your story will be for others as you come out the other side full of victory, awareness, and respect. Don't give up Your struggle today is the source of your knowledge tomorrow.

in the struggle for life
I am broken and I am also scattered,
O life from your stumbling blocks
I have also grown.

When a drop of water is in the sea, it does not exist
But when that drop is on the leaf, it shines like a pearl
You too have to achieve such a stage in life where you shine like a pearl
Because identity gets buried in the crowd

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The person who reaches the destination by rubbing his heels on the ground of struggle never rides on the clouds of pride.

The crowd always walks on the path which is easy, but it is not necessary that the crowd should always follow the right path. So choose your own path because no one knows you better than you.

It is very difficult to fall behind to achieve your dreams
But forgetting those dreams is even more difficult.

Life Struggle Quotes in Hindi | thoughts on life struggle

How smooth and calm the duck swims over the water, but, it moves its legs without rest in the water.. Nothing can compare with our struggle.

The task may be easy for me, but if I do it very easily, you will not appreciate it as much as when I pretend that I have struggled to help you

neither struggle nor trouble,
So what's the fun in living,
big storms stop
When there is a fire in the chest.

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Even when the dreams of waking eyes start torment while sleeping
Bawra mind also started spending time in the same thoughts,
So it is necessary to fight those dreams
to achieve in reality
before all of them one by one
Start leaving us.

Where is the life of the world after traveling?
If life continues, then where is the youth?

It may be easy for me, but if I do it very easily, you will not honor it as much as when I pretend how much I struggled to do this work.

Strugglers never think of taking rest, they always plan to struggle as much as possible without rest because they know – time has no day off.

Work hard, but never accept any evil that you can change.

I am a small dream entangled in the conspiracies of the times, I am not scattered, have a little patience, I am just under the circumstances, I am bound to be in the news headlines every day, the respect I have for the nation fighting on the streets!

It is our duty to encourage all of us in the struggle to live according to our highest thoughts and at the same time try to make these thoughts as close to the truth as possible.

As heavy as the chains will be tied at your feet
Your flight will be higher when they land.

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The real flight of this eagle is yet to come
Still the test of this bird is left
I have just crossed the oceans
Now the whole sky is left

When no one is working, look at the clock
And don't look at the clock while you're working

Do something which removes stagnancy from life.
Which is where you keep fighting silently with yourself.
Whatever the conditions meet, prick the thorns, the buds bloom
Humans are not defeated, this is the message of life.
The truth is not us, the truth is not you, the truth is only the struggle.
Jagdish Gupta

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Struggle is the food that brings change
And it's time to get the most out of the struggle
when it's right in front of you

No struggle can ever be successful without women standing side by side with men.

must have a good idea
because eye treatment
possible but not

The one who is smiling must have been fed by pain,
Whoever is walking will have blisters on his feet,
Man cannot shine without struggle

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